What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (2024)

Cheat meals comprise foods that won’t help you achieve your weight-loss goals. These meals are considered cheats because you aren’t sticking to your original meal plan.

A cheat meal does not have to comprise foods considered unhealthy. A cheat meal can be a meal that is too indulgent or comprises only one or two foods that you consider indulgent.

Overall, cheat meals encourage excessive food consumption. The emphasis on overeating is one of the reasons why a cheat meal philosophy might lead you down the wrong path.

It’s also worth noting that cheat meal dieting is different from yo-yo dieting. Cheat meal dieting refers to the periodic over-consumption of meals, not on your eating plan.

Yo-yo dieting, on the other hand, refers to cycling your weight up and down.

Many experts, including dietitians, recommend cheat meals on occasion, but is there any scientific proof to back indulging in these meals?

In this review, we’ll look at the cheat meal philosophy, how these meals work, who they are meant for, and how often you should cheat on your diet.

In the end, you might find that cheat meals do more harm than good.

The Cheat Meal Philosophy

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (1)

What Are Cheat Meals? – The Cheat Meal Philosophy

The cheat meal philosophy similarly highlights diet and exercise rewards (‘good’) and forfeits (‘bad’). As a result, we begin to think of nutritious foods as unappealing and cheat meals as a reward.

This focus will hamper long-term wellness or lifestyle improvements.

Instead of focusing on punishment for eating a less-healthy meal, consider focusing on something positive: how to eat less-healthy foods more consciously.

Slow down and see “unhealthy” meals for what they truly are: a source of calories and a delightful flavor.

Perhaps we can learn to enjoy cheat meal foods for what they are and embrace them as long as we consume them thoughtfully.

As weight loss progresses, some people might look for meals that give them more satisfaction.

This need for satisfaction is natural and expected throughout a person’s weight loss journey.

However, many people want to concentrate on how to handle this instead of looking to cheat themselves out of success.

So How Do You Cope When Eating Comfort Foods?

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (2)

So How Do You Cope When Eating Comfort Foods?

Embrace a Cheat Meal Alternative

Focusing on conscious eating and not overdoing any one meal, even if it’s considered a cheat meal or a less nutritious meal to you, is an excellent lifestyle objective for weight reduction.

Follow the Quarter-a-Plate Rule

When looking for comfort food, use the quarter-a-plate rule. Your plate should have no more than a quarter of a food item that you know won’t lead you toward your objectives.

Recreate Your Favorite Comfort Food

Make a healthier version of your favorite guilty pleasure dish. For instance, if you like fried foods, try baking or using an air fryer instead of deep-frying (see also keto french fries recipe).

If you enjoy baking but have a sweet tooth, consider replacing half of the sugar with stevia or sweetening the recipe with a fruit replacement such as applesauce or mashed banana.

Share Your Comfort Food With A Friend

Try and share your comfort food with a friend; the main aim is to reduce your portion size and add to the fun and experience of eating cheat meals.

How Do Cheat Meals Work?

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (3)

What Are Cheat Meals? – How Do Cheat Meals Work?

The general idea is that eating cheat meals boosts your metabolism, improves appetite hormones, lowers stress hormones, and helps you keep muscle – all in the hopes of better dieting results when you go back to dieting.

The main hypothesis behind cheat meals and their effectiveness is leptin. Leptin is a hormone that controls how much you eat and how much energy you expend.

Because leptin is produced by fat cells, the more fat you have, the more leptin your body produces, resulting in more calories burnt and reduced appetite.

Carbohydrates tend to boost leptin levels more than fat; therefore, cheat days, cheat meals, and diet breaks are likely to be more successful if carbohydrate intake is increased first.

Leptin levels rise dramatically in response to a cheat meal.

What’s not to like about cheat meals? You eat delicious food, increase your leptin levels, and become shredded. Well, it isn’t that straightforward.

Who Are Cheat Meals Meant For?

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (4)

Who Are Cheat Meals Meant for?

According to studies, professional bodybuilding athletes have a lot of success with cheat meals.

Given that this group of people knows how to get shredded, it’s safe to assume that they can employ cheat meals effectively.

Effectiveness is not the same as excellence. While cheat meals can help you lose weight, they’re usually best left for experienced dieters (e.g., bodybuilders) and/or those with a specific short-term objective in mind, for instance, landmark events or photoshoots.

Chances are, a cheat meal is likely to be helpful only for individuals who have a lot of experience dealing with the after-effects of such a meal.

However, in most instances sticking to a more constant deficit will yield the same, if not better, results.

How Often Should You Cheat?

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (5)

What Are Cheat Meals? – How Often Should You Cheat?

From a purely scientific standpoint, it’s difficult to make a case for using cheat meals to improve your overall body composition.

From a practical and sustainable standpoint, cheating on your diet is unavoidable.

After all, we are humans, not robots. Cravings tend to come up on special occasions such as Christmas or Thanksgiving, and life is for the living.

Sometimes it’s necessary to embrace the human experience and enjoy blowing off your diet. It’s impossible to stick to a rigid diet forever.

Rather than trying and struggling to be perfect all of the time, it may be more beneficial for you to be consistently decent rather than irregularly perfect.

As a result, rather than calling occasional high-calorie indulgences “cheat meals,” simply refer to them as “life.” When the opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it, and move on.

Final Thought

To sum it all up, cheat meals aren’t a weight-loss miracle. Seasoned dieters with a high dedication to their diets can have a cheat meal and recover just fine.

But most people will succumb to the desire for more junk food. This isn’t to say you can’t have delicious meals; it’s possible to fit ice cream into your daily calorie count to curb your junk food craving.

See Also

Low Sodium Fast Foods

Vegetarian Fast Food Recipes

Keto Fast Food Recipes

Clean Eating Food List

Are Almonds Good For Weight Loss?

Slow Carb Diet Foods List

4000 Calorie Meal Plan

As a nutrition expert and enthusiast with a deep understanding of dietary concepts and weight management, I'll provide an analysis of the concepts used in the article about cheat meals, incorporating evidence and first-hand expertise.

  1. Cheat Meals Philosophy:

    • Expertise: The cheat meal philosophy revolves around the idea of occasional indulgence in less healthy or more satisfying foods during a structured diet plan.
    • Evidence: The article suggests that cheat meals might lead to excessive food consumption, emphasizing overeating as a potential pitfall.
  2. What Are Cheat Meals?

    • Expertise: Cheat meals are described as deviations from the original meal plan, often indulgent or comprising foods considered treats.
    • Evidence: The article notes that cheat meals don't necessarily have to be unhealthy; they can be meals that are too indulgent or include specific treats.
  3. Cheat Meal Alternatives:

    • Expertise: The article recommends alternatives to traditional cheat meals, such as conscious eating and recreating healthier versions of favorite comfort foods.
    • Evidence: Strategies like the Quarter-a-Plate Rule and recreating comfort foods with healthier ingredients are suggested as lifestyle objectives for weight reduction.
  4. How Do Cheat Meals Work?

    • Expertise: The article discusses the general idea that cheat meals can boost metabolism, improve appetite hormones, lower stress hormones, and help maintain muscle.
    • Evidence: The main hypothesis involves the hormone leptin, which controls eating and energy expenditure. Cheat meals, especially with increased carbohydrate intake, may boost leptin levels.
  5. Who Are Cheat Meals Meant For?

    • Expertise: Studies suggest that professional bodybuilding athletes may have success with cheat meals.
    • Evidence: The article indicates that cheat meals might be more effective for experienced dieters (e.g., bodybuilders) with specific short-term goals. However, the effectiveness may vary, and consistent adherence to a calorie deficit could yield similar or better results.
  6. How Often Should You Cheat?

    • Expertise: From a scientific standpoint, it's challenging to make a case for using cheat meals to improve overall body composition.
    • Evidence: The article acknowledges the practical and sustainable aspect of occasionally cheating on the diet, recognizing human cravings and the need for flexibility. It suggests that embracing occasional indulgences as part of life might be more beneficial than striving for perfection.
  7. Final Thought:

    • Expertise: Cheat meals are not portrayed as a weight-loss miracle, and the article emphasizes the importance of consistency in dietary habits.
    • Evidence: The final thought encourages a balanced approach, stating that while seasoned dieters can incorporate cheat meals successfully, most people may find it challenging to resist cravings for more indulgent foods. The article concludes that occasional indulgences can be a part of a healthy lifestyle without derailing progress.

In summary, the article provides insights into the cheat meal philosophy, its potential benefits and pitfalls, and offers practical advice on alternatives and frequency, all supported by a blend of scientific explanations and practical considerations.

What are Cheat Meals? How to Deserve One? (2024)


Do I deserve a cheat meal? ›

Cheat meals that are higher in carbohydrates versus fats are preferable. Uncontrolled cheat meals or cheat days, especially after a long period of calorie restriction, could wipe out a calorie deficit, increase cravings, and make sticking to the diet more difficult. This varies highly from person to person.

How should a cheat meal be? ›

Choosing a cheat meal that is high in protein and carbs, rather than high in fat, can help you to replenish your muscles after a tough workout and may even help with your energy levels during your next workout.

What foods are considered cheat meals? ›

Healthy Cheat Meals
  • Pancakes.
  • Waffles.
  • Shake.
  • Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
  • Loaded Baked Potato.
  • Soup.
  • Mac n' Cheese.
  • Sliders.
Dec 14, 2023

Can I eat whatever I want on cheat meal? ›

What you plan to indulge in on your cheat day depends on the individual's tastes and appetite, but the key idea is to let loose and enjoy yourself with something that isn't on your diet plan. Not every diet will allow for “cheat days”.

Will 1 cheat day a week ruin weight loss? ›

If you're healthy, your body knows how to regulate itself after a cheat meal. Aside from feeling bloated, less active, and a temporary increase in water weight (excess sodium in many processed foods means you'll hold on to more water) a cheat here or there won't do much harm.

How many cheat meals a week is ok? ›

Some people can have cheat days once a week, others can do so once a month, while others should limit them even further. Lowe suggests once a year is good, because each day, people don't realize how many calories they are consuming.

What is the healthiest cheat meal? ›

10 Ideas for Your Next Treat or Cheat Meal
  1. Coffee. As long as you're avoiding extra sugar, coffee can be a soothing and flavorful option for a daily treat. ...
  2. Smoothies or Acai Bowls. ...
  3. Pancakes. ...
  4. Peanut Butter with Bananas. ...
  5. Nut Butters. ...
  6. Turkey Burgers. ...
  7. Sweet Potato Fries. ...
  8. Chicken Wings.

Is cheat meal once a week ok? ›

An ideal diet is not about restriction but about making healthy choices. Studies have shown that as long as your are following your diet 90% of the time, you can enjoy a cheat meal every week.

Is pizza a bad cheat meal? ›

Also, cheat meals tend to be high fat foods (fried goods, pizza, desserts, etc.), resulting in the potential increase of body fat. Macrostax has a solution for both of these. First of all, the Macrostax program incorporates what we call a refeed day.

What counts as a cheat day? ›

Cheat meals are scheduled meals that include indulgent foods that wouldn't ordinarily be permitted on your diet. A cheat day is when you allow yourself to consume any foods you want over an entire day.

Is Chinese food a good cheat meal? ›

Chinese takeout is a great, affordable option for a low-key dinner cheat night. Unfortunately, you can run into similar issues with Chinese takeout as with pizza from chain companies.

Are pancakes a good cheat meal? ›

Of course, pancakes are a great cheat meal—just ask Dwayne Johnson (you can find his pancake recipe below). In this guide, we've compiled five of our favorite recipes for both traditional pancakes and healthier versions of the breakfast staple.

What is the difference between a cheat day and a cheat meal? ›

Cheat days are whole days where you'd essentially eat anything and everything you'd normally not be 'allowed' to eat under a strict diet plan – pizza for breakfast? Why not? Cheat meals follow a similar concept but restrict you to just one meal outside of your prescribed daily diet.

Can I eat unlimited on cheat day? ›

While cheat days can prove a helpful tool to keep binge-eating at bay, if you cheat too often, you can find yourself back to where you started. As an easier way to plan out cheat meals, nutritionists often recommend the 80/20 Rule.

Can I eat bread on cheat day? ›

What you eat on your cheat day is entirely up to you, and similar to how often you want to have a cheat day, it depends on whether or not you want to stay in ketosis. If you don't care about staying in ketosis, then enjoy eating pasta and bread.

How do you know if you need a cheat meal? ›

Cheat meals should only be planned when you're trying to gain mass. During this time, cheat meals eaten once per week, or once every two weeks are fine, depending on your goals or your body-fat percentage. You don't need them if you're regularly eating large amounts of good food.

Will 2 cheat days ruin my progress? ›

Science shows that cheat days may actually help motivate you to stick to your diet plan. The authors of a study concluded that having a zero-tolerance approach to 'cheat' food wears down motivation.

Will one cheat meal ruin my cut? ›

Having an occasional cheat meal while cutting is generally okay for many people, as long as it doesn't derail your overall progress. Just be mindful of portion sizes and try to make healthier choices within the concept of a "cheat" meal.

Is it OK to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks? ›

Determining the frequency of your cheat days is a personalized decision, influenced by various factors such as your fitness goals, dietary adherence, and body response. If you're primarily focused on weight loss, you might opt for less frequent cheat days, perhaps once a week or every two weeks.


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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.